
In service to the community, both inside and outside these walls

We are a community with plenty of opportunities to volunteer both at St. Andrew and in the community. Your gift of time and service can impact and support this community. There is a place for you, from worship assistants, friendship ministers, and participating in youth events to volunteering for a shift at the Winter Hospitality Overflow (WHO).

If you are interested, email the office, and they will connect you with leadership in the area you would like to serve. Please note all volunteers who work with youth or the WHO must complete a background check & required training may apply.

Ways to send in a financial offering

Offering first fruits in support of ministry is an act of worship. When we give of ourselves with a financial offering, we are giving to God. We believe practicing financial stewardship is transformative and encourage everyone in our community to consider how they will share their financial blessings prayerfully.

  • You can mail a check directly to the church at 5607 NE Gher Road, Vancouver, WA 98662. We have a locked mailbox.

  • The Simply Giving® Program, endorsed by Thrivent Federal Credit Union, is a simple, reliable way to make your regular contributions to our congregation through automated giving. Simply Giving can set up an auto deduction from your account. Contact the office for more information.

  • You can easily give online through our Vanco website:

Stewardship at St. Andrew

The Stewardship Ministry Team is excited to share a new pattern for our year. Understanding that stewardship means more than financial giving, we wanted to bring to our community a focus on Stewardship of Creation, Stewardship of our Time and Talents, Stewardship of our Finances, and Stewardship of our Temples. Our calendar year and focus will reflect the following:

  • April - June, we will emphasize caring for creation. We will honor Earth Day, encourage the adoption of garden plots in our community garden, and offer opportunities for hiking and spending time in nature.

  • July - September, we will focus on time and talents. Whether serving at worship, participating in WHO, sharing your skills at knitting, or learning to quilt, there is a place for you. With the annual Ministry Fair, we invite everyone to consider ways they can give of themselves to build up the kin-dom of God.

  • October - December, we will highlight our financial giving. We are a congregation that supports each other, which means sharing our financial resources for ministry work. This is the time of year for us to consider our offerings and tithes and pledge to financially support the mission of Christ at St. Andrew for the following year.

  • January - March, we will look at caring for our bodies, minds, and spirits. We will offer self-care encouragement and resources, lunch, learning about fall prevention or flu clinics, meditation and stress relief support, and more.